2025 Arts & Healing Scholarship Application

The Arts & Healing Scholarship is open to any graduating senior or adult in the United States with epilepsy who is pursuing higher education in the arts, advocacy work, or healthcare. The scholarship will provide up to $1,000 in financial assistance to cover the cost of tuition, fees, and books.

The application deadline is June 1, 2025. All submissions must be received by that date. There are no exceptions. Scholarship Winners will be announced on or before June 15, 2025.

Please remember that this is an Application only. The HTP Scholarship Committee will interview finalists and, in its sole discretion, select the scholarship recipient(s) based on the information received and criteria as determined by the Committee.

Your Contact Information


By providing this information and completeing the Applicant Authorization section, you authorize the Hidden Truths Project's scholarship committee to verify the diagnosis of epilepsy. Diagnosis information is used solely to determine scholarship eligibility, it will not be shared or used for any other purpose without the written consent of the Applicant.


The date field Date of Application is required.
The field How did you hear about the Scholarship? is required.
The field Will you be graduating from High School in 2025? is required.
The field Have you been diagnosed with epilepsy? is required.
The field Who can verify your epilepsy diagnosis? is required.
The phone field Phone # of individual who will verify diagnosis. is required.
The maximum length for the field Describe how epilepsy has impacted your life: is 5000 characters.


Please include the high school or educational institution you are currently attending. Please type in N/A if you are not currently attending.

The field Educational Institution and Location: is required.
The field Special Interests and Achievements: is required.


Please describe your educational plan for 2025. Include the name and address of the school, program, or training facility you plan to attend.

The maximum length for the field Name of educational institution: is 500 characters.
The maximum length for the field Address of Educational Institution: is 5000 characters.


Educational institution reference(s). Please include name, phone number, and position (this can be a teacher, principal, counselor, mentor, coach, or other educator):

The field Reference name is required.
The phone field Reference phone: is required.
The maximum length for the field Reference position: is 500 characters.
The maximum length for the field Other Reference name (optional): is 500 characters.
The field Optional reference phone number: must be a phone number.
The maximum length for the field Optional reference relationship to you: is 500 characters.


Applicants must submit an essay (1,000 words or less), work of art (including performance art), video, or any other means of original expression representing the Applicant and the message they would like to convey about empowering oneself or others. There is no required subject matter or format; however, the submission should tell us something about you and your world viewpoint. If you choose to submit a portfolio of art, video, etc., please include a short narrative explaining the inspiration for your work (e.g., how you hope to contribute to society or how epilepsy has impacted you and how that has influenced your goals for the future).

The field Essay 1 is required.
The field Essay 2 is required.


Please provide your name and initials to indicate your consent for the scholarship committee to verify your epilepsy diagnosis and reach out to your references.

The field Applicant signature: is required.
The field Applicant initials: is required.

Grant Application for Arts & Healing Grant
